Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!

Whew! Where did Thanksgiving and Christmas go? We are already almost into the middle of January. I return back to work tomorrow after a nice long three week break. I really didn't even do much baking after the Christmas rush. It's been really nice to have some time to rest. Of course, I could use more time to get things done. I didn't accomplish everything on my "TTD" list (that's "Things to Do")- (wink!).

I thought it would be nice to spend my last day of my break doing things I really enjoy. After breakfast with my BFF (my hubby), we went to see a new movie. It was really great. As I sit here listening to the soundtrack and watching some of the videos (find some at the bottom of my blog), I find myself dabbing tears as I reflect over the movie. The movie, entitled "Country Strong" starring Gwyneth Paltrow (my new favorite actress and country singer) and of course, Mr. Eye Candy, himself, Tim McGraw. He is becoming quite the actor.

I won't leak any spoilers here, but will say that it was one of the best films I've seen in a long time. (Can you tell I really liked it???) I will see it again (might even purchase the DVD when released). I have heard that the critics didn't give it much of a thumbs up, probably explains why I liked it so much. It has been said that the critics said that the story-line was not strong enough. IMHO, I feel like there were many layers that left me thinking after the movie was over and you can take a lot from it. When the movie started, I found my eyes welling up with tears and really didn't know what the story was about. Hindsight is 20/20!

Whether you are a country music fan or not, I think you will really like if not love this film. The songs are great! I cannot wait until the soundtrack is released! Excellent songwriting. Check out the song, "Coming Home" as sung by Gwyneth Paltrow below.

Well, since we are beginning a new year, I figured it's a good time to start getting back into shape. So, Weight Watchers, here I come. I purchased a WW cookbook over break and I'm going to cook a few of the recipes, starting with Onion Soup. Yum! Not to worry, fellow cookiers, I'll still be baking. After all, Valentines Day is right around the corner. There are many cookies yet to bake!

So, with that, Have a very happy and healthy 2011 and...let the baking begin!

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